Friday, 12 November 2010

A Place of Healing and Pain

The Church is the Hope of the World.  In one place of being two extremes are experienced.  The Church is my place of work and play, of hurt and healing.  The Church is a place of freedom but also tension.  The Church is a place where you are told your word is your bond.  The Church is also a place where your signature could save you a lot of hurt!  The Church is a place where human beings reside.  The Church is not perfect - this I know!  We are not angels, we are human beings striving to fulfill God's call and purpose for our lives, daily living out our salvation.  Patience, tolerance and fairness is to be strived for. 

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Life is like a Hiking Trail

This 10km hike was similar to any other hike I’m sure; up hills and out-of-breath lungs, some down hills and smiles, some rocky patches, smooth patches, some cross roads and poorly marked signs to help you decide which of the four paths to take. Or was it a case of not knowing how to read it??? This hike had very beautiful and growing areas and some dull and dry areas, hot in the sun most of the time but nice and cool in the shade at other times. I went on this hike to be in nature, to connect with God and myself after what has been a very busy, stressful and tiring couple of weeks. My prayer was to experience Christ again, to come back rejuvenated and fired up. Throughout the hike I was thinking life is like a hiking trail. Life is full of up hills, down hills, some rocky patches and some smooth patches. Life is beautiful at times and not so beautiful other times. Life is also full of crossroads. At times you know exactly what it is you need to do or where to go and how to go about it. Other times one needs to take risks and go on an adventure. Through it all we learn how to read the signs of 'this way or that way'. I realised anew our ‘desert’ times are at times a result of US moving away from God, which is usually the case. Other times it could be that God is testing us and preparing us for what lies ahead. But could it be that those dry or desert times are there for US, to catch our breath, to regroup or to get our focus back on track for what lies ahead – much like the down hills during a hike helps you catch your breath.
Whether it be because WE moved away or God testing us in order to prepare us, let’s use it to catch our breath and to regroup, instead of always blaming God for having left us. (Secretly we know he never left...) I also came away with the fresh realisation that one needs to pace oneself in order to make the finish line. If you don’t pace yourself you miss out on some of the most beautiful moments and experiences – like zebra’s less than 100m away with no fence separating you - because you so out of breath you can’t hear the soft whispers of God, family and friends. Not stopping to catch your breath because you seem to think you have to push yourself to keep going for whatever reasons, only leaves you exhausted, more out of breath and aching. Less and slower is better when it comes to the pace we live our lives. Life is good!