It is Holy Week. A time to reflect. A time to make right with the people in your life. A time to make right with Christ. A time to realise how much you are loved! As Easter approaches and reflection takes place, one thinks about Jesus Christ - what He did for us on the Cross. Again I am challenged to look at the life of Jesus - how he treated people, what he stood for, what he said and did, what defined his ministry! Again I am confronted with how some of us who call ourselves Christians often fail to show the heart of Christ to those around us. In the past month and especially now during Holy Week, Ghandi's words have been vibrating through my being.
"I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ"
In the past month these words have been more and more 'in my face' than ever before. Part of my Theological studies required me to submit assignments in the past month based on how I defend my faith (Apologetics), which of course can only be effective if I know Christian Doctrines. Part of my tasks were to interview people and ask why it is that they stay away from church, what their opinion is of Christ and Christians. I was grieved at hearing the answers. Young and old consider Ghandi's words to be so true. "Christians are hypocrites, especially those always in the front", "I find Christians to be so judgmental, yet see them mistreating people and lying". Another comment was "They say the church is where we are to feel welcome, at home. A place for sinners and those in need of healing. You don't have to perfect to join us - yet some of those people look down their noses at you".
As Christians we know we are sinners saved by grace. We know we are not perfect and will never be in this lifetime. We, as Christ-followers, have been forgiven so much and have been accepted by Christ despite our shortcomings and weaknesses. We realise that throughout our time here on earth, we will work out our salvation as we run the race with perseverance, constantly attempting to live our lives according to Scripture, especially the life of Christ. With this realisation, why is it that we look down our noses at those who do not yet know Christ? Why are we so blinded to our own sins but very quick to point out others?
I am humbled!! I fall far from the mark! Ghandi could be saying those words to me personally! This Easter I am challenged to once again look at the life of Christ and to look at how I portray Christ to others. We are called to be the salt and light, to be ambassadors, to be witnesses! It is my prayer this Easter, that I become less and Christ becomes more. That those I encounter can experience respect, dignity, love and acceptance despite what is going on in their lives. I have a long way to go, but my heart is set on it.
Jesus, will you be the Centre, will you be my Guide, my Vision - the Wind in my sails and fire in my heart!
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